Sunday, February 3, 2008

Just Waiting...

If you are wondering what the heck is going on with us, I can answer "not much!". We are just waiting here. I can share our latest medical update though. At 6 months, Ana was 14 pounds 12 ounces, and she was 25 inches long! She seems to be following the same growth curve, so I'm pleased! We have been out of PGN for three weeks now, but haven't heard anything. Our agency told us we wouldn't be likely to hear anything until the second DNA is authorized. Now this of course didn't stop Greg and I from calling to see if we could get any information in the meantime! We were told that no news is good news, and that we could assume things were plugging along as they should be. We are told we can assume that the final adoption decree has been signed, and that the birth certificate is being pursued. This has been difficult for us, I don't like to assume, I like cold hard facts!! I follow other people's blogs and see that they are updated as each step is completed, and it's killing me to not know for sure what is going on. Greg wrote again this past Thursday and received a response that was a bit of a hand slap repeating that we would hear when the 2nd DNA was authorized. Through the wording of that e-mail though, I gathered that the birth certificate is still being pursued. This makes me feel very confident to say that the final adoption decree has indeed been signed and Ana is now legally our daughter! Feels good to know that little piece. I have loved our agency, they are great at answering our inquiries, we always get a prompt reply to our e-mails and our social worker is awesome. The only drawback is that their procedure is to update families when "major milestones" have been reached (1st DNA results, enter/exit PGN, 2nd DNA). Well, from the perspective of this anxious prospective adoptive parent, hearing those baby steps to the major milestones can mean the difference between a good or bad emotional day. At any rate, we have been told that travel to pick up will happen about 2 months after release from PGN. We got out of PGN on January 10th so we can expect our pick up trip to be around March 10th (only 5 weeks away!). We're still plugging away at Ana's room, I need to take the time I spend at the computer searching for information (that can't be found) and use it to make her curtains and the quilt I bought material for a couple weeks ago! I've always been known as the type to have a million unfinished projects laying around, I'm trying so hard to not be that person anymore! Anyways, time is passing slowly here, not much excitement so sorry for my blogging absence! This week I promise to do better, I'll finally post the pictures I've been promising, and maybe a surprise video or two! Come back soon!


Amanda said...

Still thinking of you and hoping everything continues to go smoothly!

beanhead said...

Welcome back!!!

Gail said...

Your agency sounds a lot like mine. Now that I am out of PGN, I too want to know when each step is completed. Hope you hear something soon.
PS I have to make curtains too but would never attempt a quilt.

Debbie said...

AAAHHH!!!! I can hardly stand not getting more updates now so I can't imagine what it's going to do to me once we're out of PGN (assuming we EVER get out). Thanks for the heads-up though. Now I can begin working on a plan of action to make sure I get more regular updates. LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh, Cammie, you must be going crazy! I know I was! Of course, these comments don't help, now do they? I KNOW that I will hear good news from you before I leave this weekend. I WANT to hear good news and it's time! These last weeks after getting out of PGN are very very hard, because you're so close. But, just remember that you ARE so close and your little Ana will be home before you know it! Good Luck and Good News!