Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Well, Monday was the 5 week from referral mark. I have to say I am getting extremely antsy to have new pictures and information on Ana. The first three weeks or so were not bad, but the last two have just been excruciating! When I get to feeling like this, I find myself spending loads of time on the computer, which is probably why I can't seem to catch up on cleaning the house that is falling apart around me. It's like I wander aimlessly from one site to the next, most involving Guatemala....anything Guatemala as if I'll find the answers to my questions! I search for blogs of those also pursuing a Guatemalan adoption and scour them for information on their timelines, but truthfully, the journey is so different for everyone. Sure we all go through the same steps, but the time to complete those steps, and how they were completed are all different. The number of updates, and timing of those updates are all different too. As are the number of trips people take, some even move to Guatemala to foster their child until the legal process is complete and they can come home. Most of the time though, I'm checking my e-mail, hoping that THIS time when I hit the "get messages" button that what I am seeking will magically appear (even though the LAST time I pressed that button was only two and a half minutes ago). So I broke down and e-mailed the agency just to see if there were any updates. While in their eyes there is no news, to me it was something. I was told that our documents have been translated and that our case is in family court. She did go on to say that the DNA results will come directly to our home address, but that the coordinator would probably be faxed the results and might be able to notify us sooner. I don't know if this means DNA has been authorized, performed or what, she didn't indicate anything regarding the timing of that. When you are sitting at home waiting and have no knowledge of what is going on, you just feel like you are at a stand still so it's really nice to hear that things are moving as they should be. I am definitely an instant gratification kind of girl and that most certainly does not lend itself well to the adoption world. Maybe that's why we have been led this way, another lesson to learn!

1 comment:

Mimi to Ian, Liliana and Cooper said...

I am waiting with you my dear, there are days I am just on the brink of joyous tears knowing we are waiting for such a special gift!
I do have to say though that you caught me off guard when you added the tag that tells Ana's age...a big lump in my throat that wouldn't go.......then low and behold I find you also added a tag that tells how long the wait has been so far.....seeing that brought on the tears......good tears but just the same tears.
Then I think to myself "Can you imagine the tears when I finally hold her??!!!! Or when i see the first pictures of you and Greg holding her!" YIKES!!!!
I still dream of her almost every night......I think I need to go shopping :-)