Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Girlie Stuff

So, I love to shop. That's no secret to some of you, I know. When Ian was a baby, I had a ball shopping for clothing for him. I loved dressing him like a little man, I became very proficient at finding the best deals at Old Navy and Baby Gap. Shopping for him now is not so fun as...get this....he has an opinion, imagine that! Now we have to search out "slip in" pants and "slip in" shoes (no buttons, ties or fasteners of any kind). This was worse last year, now I am actually getting him to wear other things, including jeans, thank goodness. But still it seems like the boy things are always all the same! So, I have really enjoyed perusing the girls things for a change! We are able to send packages to Ana every 2 months or so, and I have been working on one for a month now (yeah, for those of you that don't know me so well, I'm a perfectionist as well which gets me in a lot of trouble!). There were two empty pages in the "Who Loves Baby" book that I wanted Ian to draw a picture in and he was just not into it. Well, I was about to send it anyways (I've been really getting down on myself for not getting it out sooner!) and I told Ian. He decided this morning that he wanted to send Ana a picture and a letter, and he cut a paper heart out for her as well. It was so sweet and it's those moments that I know he really is happy and excited. I think it's really hard for him to "get it" because there is no permanence. We haven't been able to see or touch her, we just have a photograph and he has mentioned on several occasions that she isn't part of our family yet because she isn't here. How do you explain it all to a 5 year old?
Anyways, our package is complete (I've taken some pictures for you all to see, Ian picked out the doggy) and I'll be off to the post office to mail it in a couple hours. Hopefully within the next few posts we will have some new pictures of our baby girl to share!

Ian's picture started out as a heart but he decided it looks more like frog's eyes. So he added a body and "jumpy legs" to complete it! Okay, I'm off to squeeze all these things into a gallon size ziplock bag now, wish me luck!


beanhead said...

Waiting is the worst. I have trouble waiting for dinner to be done I can not even imagine waiting with no info for my baby. My feeling is that a dirty house is a home full of love.
Waiting with you,

Mimi to Ian, Liliana and Cooper said...

Snifffffff.......awwwwwwww.....this really touched my heart, my little Ana can't get here soon enough. Thanks for the cry :-)

Just wait till I start girl shopping, my charge cards will be smokin'!!!!!!

Mimi to Ian and Ana

Ohh that reminds me, I have to change my email addy soon before Greg gets on me about it

Mimi to Ian, Liliana and Cooper said...

Oh I forgot to add please blow a kiss into that ziplock baggy for Ana from her Mimi!!!!!!!

Debbie said...

I got at least that much plus a pair of shoes and 4 pair of socks on our zip lock bag so you can do it too. Just make sure you get things stuffed into the bottom corners of the bag :-)

Nannie and Papa said...

So cute and can't wait to see pictures of Ana in her new outfit. Ian is so sweet to draw a picture to send his sister. Oh I love the sound of that.

Love, Mum