Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Some good news, I think!

Just in from

Grandfathering in cases....the intent is "official"

President Berger publicly confirmed the intent to grandfather current cases (I assume this means the 3700 cases that are REGISTERED). The Guatemalan press reported this with a statement by Berger:

"I have never said that I want to stop adoptions. What my government wants is full respect for the legislation that is about to be approved and full compliance with the Hague (Convention)" . The Guatemalan Press also reported the following:

Congressman Rolando Morales, one of the proponents of the new legislation, said that the intention with the pending adoptions is a full review to verify the identity of the woman that is relinquishing the rights on the child, that she is the natural mother, and that the child is given for adoption without coercion, and verify that the child was not abducted (stolen babies). Morales also mentioned that the final version of the new Adoption Law which will be published in the following weeks will not affect the almost 3,700 processes in the pipeline.

These changes (even if they delay the process a few days) are in the best interest of everyone in the process, specifically our main concern, the children.

Looks like good news, for now! I do still fear that the intended review of in process cases will result in cases being held up indefinitely. Hopefully the DNA testing and birthmother interviews required by the United States that have already been done will be enough for the Guatemalan officials to verify a clean case and approve of our process. Like I've said before though, anything that needs to be done to ensure children are coming to the adoption process by their birth parent's own wishes is okay with us. When we started this journey, our social worker told us to hold on for a bumpy ride. I just thought he meant a long drawn out process. I never expected it to be this minute you'll be able to bring your child home, but an hour later, hold up maybe not!! It has indeed been a roller coaster, and I'm ready to get off now thankyouverymuch.


Michael and Michelle said...

Just think of this beautiful story of perseverance and love you will have to share with your daughter. She may not know it now, but many years from now, when she is able to look back on it...she will have no doubt at how much her Mommy and Daddy wanted her to come home and be a part of the family.

beanhead said...

This is great news. I was so excited to hear it. It just give that hope that you and the rest of us need to keep up the faith. Ana you are going to be home before you know it.

Michelle said...

I'm glad to hear that things seem to be moving along, though too slowly for you, I'm sure. It is incredible how frustrating the bureaucracy can be in these Latin American countries. I check your blog daily to see the updates and I look forward to the day when I read that Ana is home with you. :) Sending you lots of good thoughts and prayers from Peru!

Mimi to Ian, Liliana and Cooper said...

