Saturday, November 3, 2007

Our Big Night Out

What did we do you ask? Well what would you do on a Friday night? Go to the movies? Nope... Go out to dinner? Nope... Go to the theatre? Nope... We went to the Exeter Hospital and took advantage of the Emergency Room's two for one deal. Yeah, good times... As many of you know, I have been battling something since shortly after coming back from Guatemala. It started with tenderness in the glands of my neck, then just the aches and pains like you are coming down with something, without ever really developing any symptoms except a slightly elevated temp and chills at the end of the day. Then 4 days ago I developed this rash on my hands, the doctor in the clinic I go to had no clue, and she told me so, sending me on my way with some steroid cream and no real answers. So for those of you who know me (and my tendency toward hypochondria) I of course started to panic, what the heck is going on with me? In the meantime, Ian ended up spiking a fever and has pretty much recovered minus a pretty stuffy nose. Then this past Monday, Greg came down with it (or something). He spent almost the whole week home because he was getting the nightly fever, chills and was also having headaches and neck pain. He decided to call our doctor yesterday afternoon to see if he could get in today (Saturday) to see someone. Well, he gave the magic combination of symptoms (that is headache, fever and neck pain...ahhh meningitis?) and was told he needed to go to the emergency room. So we dropped Ian off with Mimi (thanks again Mimi!) and were on our way.

As Greg explained his symptoms to the doctor, he referenced that I had been feeling lousy for almost two weeks, just trying to give a time frame for what he thought he had. The doctor looked at me and asked if I'd like to get the run down as well. I figured I might as well rule out anything major since we were here already (Greg says I just couldn't let him have his moment). Considering we had recently been in Central America, we were given the works, the room was quickly transformed into side by side vitals, blood draws, IV's and matching johnnies (it was so romantic). I knew as soon as I saw Greg come back to the room with an almost full urine cup that tonight was going to become a competition (this is after all the man that turns donating blood into a race!). I did lose the "Outstanding Quantity of Urine", and "Stuck with the Most Needles" awards (though I could contest and say that I only had to be stuck once because I have better veins). We had equal victories in the "Best Blood Pressure" division. But I do believe I wiped the floor with him in "Bravery while being stuck with a needle" phase (honey you did remarkably better than your last ER visit, but the little squeals this time sealed my victory! At least you didn't feel like you were going to pass out this time!).

We were sent home after 5 hours of testing and were told that our blood chemistries are normal, as were our chest X-Rays, but we need to call today for the results to the remaining lab tests. I'll keep you all posted, but hopefully it's either something that can be treated, or it's something that our bodies will soon conquer! I'm really tired of feeling sick! On the way home Greg turns to me and says "Now do I know how to show you a good time or not?". Yes my love, what an interesting night it was. Next time can we try a movie though?


beanhead said...

Sounds great!!! Much better than the Spa Day Luke and I had. Greg could you give Luke some lessons in the romance area.

Anonymous said...

I must say, I had a great Friday night, spent it with a little charmer of a gentleman!


Debbie said...

Dave and I were planning on dinner out tonight, but I don't know how it could possibly top your night out :-)

I really do hope everything is fine and that you're both feeling better soon.

Gail said...

That is so funny. What a date!
Hope you are both better soon.