Sunday, January 2, 2011

365 Project - Day 2

I've been taking pictures for years, but have not ever delved deep into the technical aspects of it. While I'm quite happy with many of the images I have captured over the years, I admit that I've largely kept my camera set to "auto" mode. I started a New York Institute of Photography course years ago, but got busy, set it aside and never went back to it. I really want to learn more about how to really use my camera in it's manual mode so with this 365 project I have set the dial to manual and will be shooting away! Well, I encountered some technical difficulties today. I've been having some problems with my cards and have been losing pictures on and off which is so frustrating! Anyways, it got much worse today and I was losing about every third image I took. I think I was able to sort that out, but while I was dealing with it, my lens started to malfunction; it turns out, the focusing ring is jammed. Luckily I do have another lens but at the closer end of the zoom range the maximum f-stop I can get is only 6.3, and doesn't lend itself well to the subjects and lighting I was dealing with. I had to ramp up the film speed which brings up other issues. Anyways, I'm not thrilled with the quality of the pictures I was able to get today, but I do like the way Cooper is crouched watching Ana play in the one I've decided to share. Shortly after the picture was taken he moved in to steal some of her peg dolls I made to go with her dollhouse and took off with them. He loves her peg dolls!


Amanda said...

Sounds like you need a new memory card? A photographer told me that they have a life span of 1-2 years. Also, download photos, put the card back in the camera and reformat every day... that was his tip :)

Sorry about your lens. Have you tried increasing the ISO? Your photos will still get grainy, but then you can change them to black and white and they will be "artistic"!

365 is about taking a photo a day, and sometimes the photo will not be "magazine worthy", but just keep doing it! Great job Cam!

Cammie said...

Thanks Amanda :) I'm certain new cards are in order as the ones I'm using are at least 3-4 years old. I did some research last night and found exactly as you said to reformat the card every time it goes in the camera; they additionally suggested no field deleting (which I do a LOT!) as it can cause fragmentation on the disc. I played last night and didn't lose a single image so I'm hoping I can eek out a little more time on these cards!
As far as the's pretty old! I think it's the one that came with my film Nikon. I really don't know what happened to it, but I'll make do for now with the other one. I would love to get just a normal 50mm to play with. Maybe after taxes :)

Oh and I did increase the ISO to my camera's max of 1600...that's why the picture is so grainy. I contemplated turning it B&W, don't know why I didn't :)

Anyways, thanks for the input, LOVE getting advice :)

Amanda said...

No field deleting?!?! Yikes! I do that ALL the time. I cannot imagine downloading all the photos I take, my computer would die... but if it extends the life of my card, I guess I can try. :)