Thursday, May 15, 2008

She said Ma Ma!

So yesterday morning at breakfast, Ana started saying "na na na na". I was excited to hear a new sound but geez, I wished it was "ma ma ma"! Anyways, my mum stopped by after work to say hello and she was playing with Ana on the floor. I walked in the room and she looked up at me and very clearly said "ma ma" and raised her arms to me. It was so cool. I wasn't sure I had heard what I did, but my mum was right there and she heard it too. It totally made my day!


Gail said...

How wonderful!!! Happy Ma Ma Day!!

Debbie said...

Don't you just love hearing those words?!!!! To my surprise, Lili started calling me mamma on our pick up trip and to this day I just love hearing her call out for mamma or see me and immediately say mamma and start reaching for me. I guess what I'm saying is that I know exactly how you feel and it's a great feeling.

Amanda said...

That's so awesome Cammie!

beanhead said...

How cool is that!!!!!

Michael and Michelle said...

Whooohoooo...what an awesome moment!!

Nannie and Papa said...

Mama is the most wonderful word to hear and seeing her arms reach for you is the best feeling. Love you sooooooo much.


Anonymous said...

yes it is very good to hear mama...but Da Da is still the number one word in my book!