Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cooper Fast Forward...

So, after Ian was born I really got into photography.

When he was about 2 months old I took a set of photographs that I really loved and from that point on I decided I was not going to take him to a studio and pay outlandish prices, and hope and pray he would be having a good enough moment to get some good shots.

I decided that I would do them.

And that's what I did.
Every month.
And I was happy.

Along came Ana and though I had the best of intentions and did mostly okay, with a few delays here and there in timing. The difference with her was that I didn't print out oodles of copies every month and hand them out to everyone willing to take one.

I handed out her 1 year photos,

But mostly, they sit here on my computer.
But I'm still happy.
I can look at them whenever I want to after all.

So onto Cooper.
He's quite possibly my last baby.
I want to hold onto every memory even more so.

I've been doing okay.
Well, except that I missed the 1 month and 4 month ones.

It's just so hard to find the time;
enough time to set up the backdrop,
to take the pictures,
and take DOWN the backdrop all in one day.
It didn't matter so much with Ian if things were still set up the next day.

But with Ms. Mischief in the house, it most certainly matters!
In a "we would probably end up in the ER with head trauma" sort of way.

Anyways, what I haven't been so good about is sharing with you all.
So I thought I'd catch you up on how much our Coop has changed over the last 5 months.

So here you go, a Cooper Fast Forward:

There you go.
5 months already.
Time really flies.

But I say that a lot, don't I?


Michael and Michelle said...

He is just so darn cute! Oh my gosh...time does fly by. AND, unforutnately the more little darlings you have, the less time you have capturing those memories on paper because your so busy capturing them in your heart. Just take as many pictures as you can...candids...and you can sort them out later when you have nothing better to do... :) hehehe

ggouveia said...

Beautiful baby and beautiful shots, Cammie. You are so talented.

Parent Coordinator said...

Lovely pictures!!! Enjoy your beautiful family :)

Nannie and Papa said...

He is soooooooooo sweet and such a good baby.

We are blessed

Thank you.

Love, Mum

Anonymous said...

AHEM!!!!!!! I would like copies please :-)


Debbie said...

Too cute!!!!

It's amazing how quickly they grow and change. Keep taking pictures and please share them with us when you find the time.

akmuddturt1e said...

Cammie I love what ever and when ever you can post something / anything. I look everyday in hopes there's something there. I understand though that you're busy, so with that said I'll take any pics or stories about my niece and nephews when ever you can find time. You're both doing an excellent job raising them kids. In a way you and Greg deserve some sort of parent of the year award! I know it ain't easy for ya but I appreciate it when you do find the time to post something. Thank you very much for all you've done and look forward to more. I miss and luv you all .....

Meredith said...

Beautiful pictures, Cammie!!