Thursday, November 20, 2008


For some reason Greg found my last post very amusing, and couldn't believe that I put those silly pictures of myself out for the world to see. He wanted to know how I was going to top it. Well, I'll show you how, honey! With some Goofy Greg giggles of course:

In princess regalia at my 30th birthday party:

And how about the Chiquita Banana sticker day?

Ian was wise to run away, but there was no escape for poor Ana. She didn't seem to mind much though...

Milo on the other hand, I think he wonders daily how he ended up in this nut house...Doesn't he look thrilled?


Kathy G. said...

This is just to much fun!

Amanda said...

Oh, Greg, you are so silly :)

beanhead said...

I am just not surpised at this point. I think you could tell me anything about Greg and it would not phase me.

Sharon said...

Cammie-I have to tell you that I am very sure that your goofball husband gets the goofy trait from his mother's side of the family! ps:love the banana stickers!

Nannie and Papa said...

absolutely hilarious