Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ever Have One of These Moments?

I gave Ana a bath after lunch today. She smelled wonderful! I dried her off and let her run around a bit in her diaper before taking her upstairs to get dressed. I didn't realize that she undid her diaper while she is sitting in Ian's little recliner chair. When she got down from the chair, I noticed something fall onto the floor just before her freshly bathed little toes squished down onto it. I realized in an instant that it was poop. I scrambled to grab her so she wouldn't spread the mess, grabbed the wipes and scrubbed her toes clean before turning to clean up the mess on the floor. After I got that done, I went to grab a diaper and realized that she had retreated to the hallway and was examining the floor between her feet. That's when I realized she was standing in a puddle...yup now she's peed on the floor. I grabbed a towel to clean the new mess up before trying again to retrieve her and get a diaper on. She's back at the chair where the whole thing started and was about to pick something up off the floor. You guessed it, she pooped again! So I diaper her, clean up the mess, bring her upstairs, and dress her before she strips again. Thank goodness it was nap time!!


beanhead said...

Oh my god. That is what Duct tape is for.

Sharon said...

Consider yourself lucky. At least she didn't start finger painting in it!

Amanda said...

Wow! That's one dirty day!

Kathy G. said...

Just break'in you in, mom!

Anonymous said...

Yes!!! Too many times! Don't be like me and think it won't happen again. Andrew did it just 2 nights ago. He ran away after his bath as I was finishing picking up clothes from the bathroom. I figured what harm could come for 5 minutes with no diaper on. Sure enouth, a few minutes later he ran back in pointing to his lower leg saying "poop poop poop". Yep, right in his brother's closet. One of the many joys motherhood.

Nannie and Papa said...

Yep that poop is just a vicious cycle. It doesn't stop until it's all out.

Thanks for the giggle.

I know you were not laughing though when it happened.

Love, Mum