Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4 - Bewwies

Ana is a berry-holic. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, you name the berry and she'll eat a pint in a sitting if you let her! Today we had some raspberries at lunch time, and she, Stevie and Cooper when through an entire pint between them in about 5 minutes flat. The conversation went a little like this:

Stevie - "My want bewwies!"
Ana - "Me too, me too! I like razzbewwies!"
Cooper - "Dat, daaat!!" (this is his most common word lately; he uses it for anything he wants; anything from food, to toys, to at bedtime he'll pull on my shirt yelling, "ont dat, daaat!" which is his oh so subtle code that he want's to nurse!)

So I divvy out some berries between the three of them, saving a few (read 5!) for myself. They absolutely devour them!

Ana - "Oh, look mummy! Dey have hairs on them!"
Me - "Yes they do Ana, isn't that cool?"
Ana - "Yup.....oh, and look mummy we can stick our little thumbs in them! Dey like puppets! Take a picture!"

So I did. I took a picture of her puppet raspberries; then I wondered if I could take a close enough shot to do the "hairs" justice. So I laid my three remaining raspberries on a piece of white paper and shot away, while Stevie and Ana circled me waiting for me to be done so they could grab the "bewwies". Don't worry, I handed them over when I was done with them!

Anyways, here's my impromptu shot of Ana, Stevie and Cooper's favorite bewwies:

And of course here's a picture of Ana enjoying her bewwies; as puppets, and as food!


akmuddturt1e said...

I missed reading your blog!

Cammie said...

Well, get ready to read Ed :) I'm back!!

beanhead said...
