Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Games Boys Play...

"Mumma, you want to know about the game me and my friends made up?"
"It's called the spitting game..."
"Ewww, that's gross. I don't know if I want to know about that game."
"No it's fun! You have to sit in the stick throne that we made and then you spit! If you hit the ground, it's zero points, if you hit a stick you get a hundred points, if you hit a leaf you get a hundred kadrillion points, and if you hit the rock wall you get a hundred kadrillion six thousand points."

Man......whatever happened to hide and seek?!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! Can I play?


beanhead said...

I bet I can win. Just be glad they did not ask you to play.

Michael and Michelle said...

Boys are sooo gross!! :)...and I'm going to have four of them...well five if you include the hubby...yucky me from all the testosterone....:)

Cammie said...

And you must include the hubby....

Debbie said...

Of course I'm also looking forward to seeing you and Greg again too!!!

Nannie and Papa said...

All I can say is

Boys will be Boys!!!!!!

Love, Mum