M is for Miracle...
I had the blood work done on Wednesday, and talked to the nurse yesterday. The level had gone up to somewhere in the 15,000's which seems to be a good result. The doctor wanted me to come in for an early ultrasound though and got me an appointment this afternoon! I was excited that we would get to know for sure whether or not there was indeed a baby in there, but pretty anxious as you can imagine. The technician put the wand on my belly, and we couldn't see much. She said, "Well, there's the gestational sac, but I'm going to have to do a transvaginal ultrasound to see things better." I said, "There's a gestational sac?! That's good news, right?" She confirmed that it was indeed a good sign, and I hurried to empty my bladder so we could continue. So she's looking around, and I'm thinking I'm seeing something, but it's pretty grainy. Then I see that flicker; if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about....I gasped and said "Oh my God, is that a heart beating?" She took a few moments to confirm, and I instantly started to panic that maybe I hadn't seen what I thought I did, and she was trying to figure out how to tell me. But, she soon said, "Yup, that's a beating heart, I was just trying to get a better picture of it." I started to cry, and blabber my life story to this poor woman, who probably thought I was crazy. She said that the heart rate is about 120 beats per minute which is good for a 6 week embryo. I'm measuring at 6 weeks and 1 day, and my due date according to the ultrasound is October 22nd. I'm still in awe, but I believe it now...I'm pregnant!